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Elisa 800

ntil recently, there was a gap between scientific evidence and clinical practice in intensive care ventilation. Inadequate technical options and nontransparent evaluation of measurement results frequently stood in the way of the desired treatment. In many cases, the available procedures simply were not sufficient for broad, yet dependable use.

Drawing on more than 25 years of experience, Löwenstein Medical is now making the impossible a reality: Intensive care ventilation – simple, clear and verifiable. The simple solution adds safety, reduces training needs, and allows for the broad use of ventilation strategies. It is economical, minimizes operating errors, and gives you more time to focus on the essential.

elisa 800 stands for simplifying complexity.

Powerful hardware
Electrical impedance tomography
Modular software concept
Expandable ventilation architecture
Versatile interfaces
Versatile option boxes
Intelligent cable management
Intelligent acoustic alarm system
State-of-the-art power management
Light sensor for day-night adjustment
Integrated ventilation protocol
